Tuesday, August 30, 2011

" Before you die, I want to tell you..." letters

Why is it that we have to get sick or die for people to write and say the nicest things about us?  Condolence letters and Eulogy's are the greatest tribute to mankind and yet the person is not there to hear their glowing accolades?  Did no one get the memo that the App to Skype heaven is still not available!?

The problem is, people are uncomfortable expressing their feelings.  Then it is too late and they have regret for not telling the people they care about what they were thinking all along.  I have decided to do something about this and hope to create a trickle effect along the way. 

If you know me and have touched my heart in some way, whether it be personally, professionally, through my children, my husband, my family and have made a positive impact on me/our life in some way, I am going to write to you.  When you receive my letter, I hope I make you cry.  Warm, salty tears of emotion that we all keep bottled up inside because we are just too darn busy  to "go there".  I hope to make you melt, just for a minute or two, and then spread a warm, fuzzy undescribable feeling all over you.  Along with the card I send you will be a blank card and envelope.  With this card, I want you to do the same and send it to someone special.  And hopefully, they too will get the same reaction and then do the same.

I hope you put your card on the mantle or in a drawer, tucked away somewhere special to pull out and re-read on a dreary day when you need reminding how special you are and how you touched someone else's life.  This is what communicating is.  Sharing thoughts, feeling and emotions. Be brave, be honest.  It will come back to you in spades.   Because when you're dead, I'm not convinced you can hear me until we meet again in heaven.